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Sunday 23rd March 2025

Early Bird pricing until 1st December 2024:

Unaffiliated £29.00

Affiliated £27.00


Standard Entry Pricing:

Unaffiliated £35.00

Affiliated £33.00

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Starting and ending at the QEII Arena in Telford Town Park, Hinkshay Road, Telford, TF3 4EP


Start Time:

10:00 AM

Question? please email us at

The Route

The Route will be marked in miles and the course is a down and up, multi-surface, one lap loop.


Start at the QEII Arena in Telford Town Park, running through the Telford Town Park and down the Silkin Way, run past Blists Hill Museum and Coalport China Museum into the Severn Gorge. You follow the old Severn Valley Railway line, past Maws craft centre and the Jackfield Tile Museum. You then run towards the world's first iron bridge and then run over the World Heritage Ironbridge itself. You continue through the beautiful town of Ironbridge alongside the River Severn then turn up Station Road and then through Coalbrookdale and Rough Park, onto the Silkin Way heading to the finish in the QEII Arena, Telford Town Park.

Mile 1 – Leave the Town Park arena and head towards Telford Hornets RFC, a small loop in the town park


Mile 2 – Onto the Silkin Way


Mile 3 – Continuing along the Silkin Way joining onto Legges Way

Mile 4 – Past the Blists Hill Museum continuing on the Silkin Way

Mile 5 – Coalport China Museum and crossing Coalport Bridge

Mile 6 – Across the other side of the River Severn on Salthouse Road

Mile 7 – Passing Jackfield Tile Museum

Mile 8 – Across the famous Ironbridge and passing the Ironbridge Gorge Museum

Mile 9 – Through Station Road, Coach Road and Darby Road

Mile 10 – Through Rough Park and past the Balancing Lakes

Mile 11 – Heading towards the Silkin Way

Mile 12 – Along the Silkin Way

Mile 13 – Back into the QEII Arena

New route copy.png

Race Information


Starting and ending at the QEII Arena in Telford Town Park, Hinkshay Road, Telford, TF3 4EP

Start time

10:00 AM



Please follow the Race Marshals, signs and any Police instructions. Failure to do so may result in this event not being held next year.


Cut off time

Once again there is a cut off time of 3 hours, at 1pm all marshals and timekeepers will be withdrawn. 



Please be aware you are not allowed to wear headphones during the race. Anyone spotted wearing these will be disqualified.


Water Stations 

There will be 4 water stations and these are situated: 

Water station 1 – 3 miles – on the Silkin Way near the Queensway junction 
Water station 2 – 6 miles – Salthouse Road, by Jackfield Tile Museum 
Water station 3 – 9 miles – School Road before heading to Rough Park 
Water station 4 – 11 miles – on the Silkin Way near the Queensway junction 

The Finish

When you have crossed the finish line please keep moving through the finish funnel to collect your medal, T-shirt and goody bag. 

Water will be available to all runners on completion of the race.

Prizes will be available for age category winners.

Medical Conditions
It is strongly recommended that you train for the event you are taking part in. All participants are strongly advised to consult their doctor prior to undertaking any exercise programme or running event. It is the responsibility of all participants to ensure they are medically fit to participate in the event.

Entry and Pricing

To enter

Early Bird pricing until 1st December 2024:

Unaffiliated £29.00

Affiliated £27.00


Standard Entry Pricing:

Unaffiliated £35.00.

Affiliated £33.00

Transfers will be allowed at a cost of £5.00.

We cannot offer refunds or deferrals.

Baggage & Toilets

A baggage drop off area will be provided in the QE11 Arena near the start / Finish line.

You have a tear off strip on your number – use this to tie onto your bag and hand it over.

There are public temporary toilets onsite along with those located within the Telford Town park visitor centre.

Prizes & Mementoes

You will receive your Ironbridge HM finishers medal and T Shirt at the end of the race along with your finishers bag of refreshments.

Question? please email us at

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