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Club Constitution

Page Title

Est 1984

Telford Harriers Constitution


1. Title

a. The Club shall be known as Telford Harriers Running Club (hereinafter to be referred to as “The Club”).


2. Objectives

The objectives of the club shall be

a.  The Club shall seek to remain affiliated under UKA regulations for Adults to cater for the following disciplines:  Road, Cross- 

     Country and Trail Running.

b.  To provide training led runs for our members.

c.  To encourage the practice, promotion, development and participation of running in Telford and the wider community.

d.  To organise open and club races.

e.  To organise teams to represent the Club in events and competitions in consultation with the committee.


3. Membership (New and renewal)

a.  Membership of the Club shall be open to persons who are amateurs as defined by UK athletics governing bodies at that time,

     regardless of sex, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership

     according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis.

b.  To become a member every potential member should complete the club membership form and pay the appropriate subscription

     fee due preferably by online banking.

c.  Honorary life membership of the Club may be proposed for any member by a majority vote of those present at an Annual

     General Meeting (AGM) in recognition of someone who has performed an outstanding service, or who has made an

     outstanding contribution to the Club. Nominations should be made in writing to the club secretary no later than 21 days prior to

     an AGM, this will usually be limited to one per AGM.

d.  Any member wishing to resign or transfer from the Club should inform the membership secretary in writing.

e.  Resignations will be considered once the club is satisfied that there are no outstanding financial or club event commitments.

f.   The Committee reserve the right to suspend or exclude any member in the event of breech of this Constitution and the club code

     of conduct. In doing so the Committee and members adhere to the Club’s disciplinary procedures.

g.  The club will protect individual’s personal data in accordance with GDPR.

h.  Annual membership renewal including the appropriate EA membership levy is due for payment on 1st April each year, with the

    proposed amount being determined by the Committee and presented to the AGM.

i.  The Club and committee are committed to keep a membership fees at fair, consistent and inclusive amount.

j.  Any renewal payments received later than 8th April each year will incur a late payment fee as determined by the committee and

    presented to the AGM.

k.  Members joining after 1st November are required to pay English Athletics Affiliation plus half balance full membership

l.  Any member failing to make the appropriate payment by 8th April will not be entitled to the rights and privileges of membership.

    This includes but is not exhaustive to the club London Marathon Ballot place, team relays and competitions.


4. Management

a.  The management of the Club will be entrusted to an executive Committee that shall consist of the Chairperson, Vice

    Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. The executive committee will be supported by other members who will form the full

    committee. All committee members shall be proposed and elected at the AGM and remain in office until the conclusion of the

    AGM of the following year.

b. Six elected Committee members are required for a quorum for a Committee meeting to take place providing at least one

    member of the executive committee is also present.

c.  The Committee may also establish any sub Committee or individual deemed appropriate to assist in meeting the objectives of the

    Club and to delegate to these sub Committees such duties as they consider appropriate.


5. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

a.  The AGM will normally be held in February as long as practical circumstances allow.

b.  At the AGM the meeting will:

     i.   Receive the Annual Report from the Chairperson

     ii.  Receive the Financial statements and the Treasurer’s report

     iii. Elect the executive committee and full Committee.

     iv. Consider any amendment to the constitution of which due notice has been given to the Chair/Secretary. Any proposed

         change to the constitution must be received by the Secretary at least 21 days preceding the meeting in order that the

         Committee shall have sufficient notice of the proposal

     v.  Transact and other notified business

c.  At least 28 days’ notice shall be given to the members of the date, venue and agenda items including any committee vacancies

     for the AGM.

d.  All registered members of the Club at the meeting shall have one vote. In the event of a tie the Chairperson will have the casting



6. Extra-Ordinary General Meeting

a.  An EGM may be called by the Committee to discuss changes to the Constitution or any other important Club business deemed

     too urgent to wait for the AGM.

b.  An EGM must be called if 51% of voting members so petition the Secretary in writing.

c.  At least 21 days’ notice of an EGM must be announced to all the members together with the specific issues to be discussed.

     No other business shall be conducted.

d.  Procedures for voting shall be in accordance with 5d above.


7. Finance

a.  The financial year of the Club shall end on 31st December

b.  All funds belonging to the Club shall be deposited with a bank or building society in accounts that all carry the Club title. All

     accounts all operate on two signatories out of three, one of whom will be the Treasurer and the other a member of the executive


c.  Expenditure above agreed budgeted items may only be authorised by the executive Committee.


8. Property and Funds

a.  The property and funds of the Club cannot be used for the direct or indirect private benefit of members other than as reasonable

     allowed by the Rules and all surplus income or profits are reinvested in the Club.

b.  The Club may provide sporting and related social facilities, sporting equipment, coaching, courses, insurance cover, medical

     treatment, travel expenses and other ordinary benefits of Community Amateur Sports Clubs as provided for in the Finance Act


c.  The Club may also in connection with the sports purposes of the Club:

     i.   Sell and supply food, drink and related sports clothing and equipment.

     ii.  Employ members and remunerate them for providing good and services, on fair terms set by the Committee without the

          person concerned being present.

d.  Indemnify the Committee and members acting properly in the course of the running of the Club against any liability incurred in

     the proper running of the Club (but only to the extent of its assets).

e.  The Committee will have due regard to UK Law


9. Winding Up

a.  The members may vote to wind up the Club where 75% of members voting support that proposal at the properly convened

     general meeting.

b.  The Executive Committee will then be responsible for the orderly winding up of the Club’s affairs.

c.  After settling all liabilities of the Club, the Executive Committee shall dispose of the net assets remaining to one or more of the


     i.   To another Club with similar sports purposes which is a registered charity and/or

     ii.  To the Club’s national governing bodies for use by them for related community sports.

     iii. To a registered charity


10. Alternations to the constitution

The Constitution may be altered but only by a resolution passed by two-thirds of those present and voting at an AGM or an EGM called for that purpose.


11. Priority

Interpretation of all the above rules must be consistent with the statutory requirements for CASCs (which means Community Amateur Sports Clubs as first provided for by the Finance act 2002)


12. Revision History

This Constitution was formerly adopted at the EGM held on 18 June 2019 and replaces the one in use since 21st April 2015 which replaced the Club’s original Constitution used since its formation in 1984.


13. Related information

Telford Harriers Website

Membership form

Code of conduct

Disciplinary Policy


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